Trusted Up
in figures:

3 000


Over 3 000 people participated in our development programs and workshops.



We cooperated
with more than 60 clients.



This percentage of satisfaction keeps on average after our development programs, workshops and trainings.



We are on the market
for twelve years.

Welcome to Trusted Up

Why with us?

We are a boutique consulting company specializing in professional organization and implementation of development programs for leaders and managers.

Our proven, unique know-how and practical approach means that our development projects are highly effective and contribute to changing the organizational culture of companies. We perfectly understand the business needs of companies and we believe that investing in people's development increases their commitment and motivation. We efficiently diagnose the company's needs and suggest the best, proven solutions.

Our mission is to inspire and support people in personal development.

Our values are: Trust, Respect, Passion.

  • we perfectly understand the business needs of companies
  • we correctly diagnose the developmental needs of the organization
  • we have a proven and unique know-how based on years of experience
  • we offer comprehensive solutions and complex implementation of the project
  • we provide the highest quality and efficiency of performance

Our offer

We organize unique development programs dedicated to women. The program's merits are focused on strengthening leadership competences and building personal efficiency. The subject of workshops and trainings concerns the issues of strengthening self-confidence, building a personal brand and networking networks, as well as managing your development and career.

We organize professional training programs for leaders and managers. The program's merits include building leadership and managerial competences such as communication, feedback, motivating and managing teams, emotional intelligence, building authority within the team, delegating and resolving conflicts.

Our new development program supports the management of emotions, stress and builds the power of positive thinking. We show how important is your own positive attitude to professional and personal life and effective self-management. The whole is supplemented with practical exercises that deepen the acquired knowledge.

Extended DISC Diagnostic

Diversity & Inclusion

Strategic consulting

Executive Coaching


Development programs

Trainings & Workshops

Inspirational speeches


Zoe Dean-Smith, Vice President, Global Leadership Programs, Vital Voices, Washington D.C.

I first came across Agnieszka in 2013 when my team at Vital Voices Was partnering with her as she headed up the Vital Voices Poland chapter. In 2014, I Was delighted to meet her in person when she participated as a mentee in our Global Ambassadors Program, an intensive week of high-level mentoring, capacity building and leadership training. Over the years, Agnieszka has continued to impress me with her level of professionalism and her commitment to building the capacity and leadership skills of other women in her country and further afield. I would highly recommend her as a leadership and development partner.

Henrik Jelert, Executive Vice President, Nestlé Waters North America, Stamford

When you decide to focus on your personal development, you are bound to consider partnering with someone you can trust, that have shown they walk the talk themselves, and will work to deliver long-term, sustainable results. I have collaborated with Agnieszka Bilinska closely from 1993–2009, and have followed her closely since. I have seen her develop in to a fully rounded leader, coach and people developer. Her success is built on a strong sense of purpose and drive, a unique sense of ownership, great values, and trustworthiness. Her ability to stay focused and deliver long-term results are second to none. Agnieszka has a proven track record in working with both female and male leaders, and clearly understands the criticality of diversity and inclusion.

Lorna Sabbia, Managing Director Head of Retirement & Personal Wealth Solutions, Bank of America Merriill Lynch, Boston

I have known Agnieszka since 2014 and have admired her compassionate command and expertise of development and leadership programs. I have also personally been impacted by her mentorship abilities during our close relationship.

I would highly recommend Agnieszka and her company Tusted Up as a development and business partner.

About me


Business Mentor, Trainer, Executive Coach, Experienced Business Executive.

Owner of Trusted Up company. Expert in mentoring, diversity, leadership, talent management and women empowerment. Creates and implement unique mentoring and development programs for leaders: "Leading Women" and "Leading Yourself".

Executive MBA graduates on strategic management, The Polish Open University in Warsaw & Thames Valley University of London. Experienced manager in PwC, Scandinavian Tobacco, Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce. Supervisory Board Member in AtenPay SA.

Founder and former CEO of Vital Voices Poland, organization established by Hillary Clinton and Madeleine Albright.

Alumnae of U.S. Department of State International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) 2011 "Women in Leadership. Advancing Women as Corporate Leaders and as Entrepreneurs", Global Ambassadors Program (Bank of America & Vital Voices Partnership) 2014 and VV Lead Fellowship Program 2015.

She serves as speaker on international conferences, trainer and executive coach as well as professional moderator.

Since 2003 she organizes Christmas action for children from orphanages in Poland.

Her passion is yoga and mindfulness.

Our Team


Paulina Janiak

Coach i mentor EMCC. Absolwentka psychologii na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim oraz Akademii Coachingu PwC & Norman Benett Group. Właścicielka firmy Femmeritum zajmująca się tematyką równowagi praca życie. Posiada akredytację EMCC (European Mentoring Coaching Council) na poziomie Practitioner.
Pasją Pauliny jest jazda konna, rozwój osobisty, relacje i psychologia.

Rafał Obstawski

Training & Office Support w zespole szkoleniowym Kariny. Absolwent Wydziału Prawa i Administracji na Uczelni Łazarskiego w Warszawie. Pasjonuje się najnowszymi rozwiązaniami technologicznymi, które umożliwiają zespołom efektywny team-building realizację wspólnych celów. Pomaga we wprowadzaniu metod aktywnej integracji w sferze technicznej i fizycznej podczas szkoleń.
Pasją Rafała jest historia, nowinki technologiczne i majsterkowanie.

Paweł Prokopczuk

Ekspert w obszarze komunikacji oraz wystąpień publicznych. Zawodowy aktor - absolwent Akademii Teatralnej im. A. Zelwerowicza w Warszawie.
Trener biznesowy niezwykle doświadczony w prowadzeniu szkoleń dedykowanych wzmacnianiu relacji i siły kontaktu. Prowadzi ćwiczenia z zakresu sztuki prezentacji, prezentacji online oraz sprzedaży.
Pasją Pawła jest współtworzenie i produkowanie polskich musicali, a marzeniem wystawienie musicalu na londyńskim West End.

Karina Tomczyk

Trenerka, psycholożka. Specjalizuje się w programach regeneracyjnych w obliczu stresu i emocji. Od 15 lat wykłada psychologię na Uniwersytecie SWPS w Warszawie. Pasjonatka sprawności emocjonalnej i medycyny stylu życia. Mama pełną parą, która doskonale rozumie, że efektywnej pracy zawodowej towarzyszyć musi pełna regeneracja na poziomie myślenia i emocji.
Pasją Kariny jest joga nidra i nałogowe czytanie.

Anna Zaroda - Dąbrowska

Prezeska i założycielka Diversity Hub. Doktor nauk politycznych na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim w Krakowie. Ekspertka w obszarze Diversity & Inclusion. Kreuje i zarządza międzynarodowymi projektami dotyczącymi różnorodności i inkluzji w biznesie. Doświadczona menedżerka i liderka.
Pasją Ani są podróże oraz układanie puzzli.

Edyta Ziajowska

Ekspertka w obszarze digital transformation oraz rozwoju osobistego. Doświadczona menedżerka z ponad 20-letnim doświadczeniem w firmach w transformacji cyfrowej ( Edenred, Netia, PayU/Naspers, PwC, White & Case - zarządy operacyjne). Posiada certyfikat nauczyciela MBSR Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction honorowany w całej Europie i USA oraz rekomendację Polskiego Instytutu Mindfulness. Jej misją jest tworzenie efektywnego środowiska biznesowego, które wspiera rozwój poprzez uważny leadership.
Pasją Edyty jest mindfulness oraz uważne życie.


+ 48 601 441 340


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